List of WAMIA Approved Abattoirs



Abattoir Regulatory Approval Guidelines – Western Australia

WAMIA has worked with key regulators in Western Australia to develop regulatory approval guidelines for abattoirs. The guidelines are intended to improve transparency and increase awareness of the regulatory approval framework and processes for the construction and operation of abattoirs in WA.

For further guidance on navigating abattoir regulatory approvals and referrals to the responsible authorities, please contact WAMIA on (08) 9571 0013 or

Download WA Abattoir Regulatory Approval Guidelines (PDF 1.47MB)



WAMIA Abattoir Approval and Compliance FAQ’s

What forms do I have to submit to WAMIA to operate an abattoir in WA?

Form 1 (Application to operate an abattoir), WAMIA Act 1976 and WAMIA Regs 1985, Schedule 5, Reg 19, together with an Application particulars form and a Record of Compliance. These are to be completed and returned to WAMIA for consideration by the WAMIA Board at least two (2) months prior to the “new” operators commencing.

What happens then?

The WAMIA Board will then issue a Form 2 (Approval to operate an abattoir), WAMIA Act 1976 and WAMIA Regs 1985, Schedule 5, Reg 20.

What forms do I have to submit to WAMIA to operate an abattoir in WA?

Form 1 (Application to operate an abattoir), WAMIA Act 1976 and WAMIA Regs 1985, Schedule 5, Reg 19, together with an Application particulars form and a Record of Compliance. These are to be completed and returned to WAMIA for consideration by the WAMIA Board at least two (2) months prior to the “new” operators commencing.

What happens then?

The WAMIA Board will then issue a Form 2 (Approval to operate an abattoir), WAMIA Act 1976 and WAMIA Regs 1985, Schedule 5, Reg 20.

Are there any other forms/applications to be completed for me to be compliant under the WAMIA Act and WAMIA Regulations?

Yes, you as an owner /operator of an abattoir in WA have to submit a Form 7 (Livestock slaughter return), WAMIA Act 1976 and WAMIA Regs 1985, Schedule 5, Reg 24.

What if I don’t fill in this form?

Failure to complete this form and send it to the Authority within seven (7) days after the month is an offence under the Act.

What, do I do if the ownership of the abattoir changes, or the registered business name changes, or the telephone details have changed, or the abattoir ceases to operate?

You must notify the Authority in writing of any changes of;
(a) A change in the ownership of the abattoir or in the registered business name, postal address, telephone number or facsimile number of the owner of the abattoir; or
(b) The cessation of operation of the abattoir.

WAMIA Act 1976 and WAMIA Regs 1985, Schedule 5, Reg 23.



Apply for WAMIA Approval to Construct or Operate an Abattoir

Please contact us if you are considering constructing a new abattoir or taking over operations of an existing abattoir and we will provide you with guidance on the application and approval process including current application form.